Saturday, April 12, 2008

Politics and taxes

Yesterday dawned cool and cloudy and I awoke early. With Bob on the early shift at the newspaper, I'm trying to adjust my schedule to his, which is not easy for me ... a night person.
But with a ticket in my purse, I headed to Columbus to attend a speech by presidential candidate Barack Obama. A long walk from the parking lot through the gray cloudy day had me energized and there was lots of electricity in the gym where he was speaking. It was a full house of about 2,500. He's extremely well-spoken and I liked many of his ideas. It should be an interesting race this year.
Last week, Bill Clinton was in town to campaign for Hillary. I didn't attend his speech. Later this month, Hillary herself should be here. With the democratic nomination being so close, the primary in Indiana may be important this year.
Finally finished taxes and got them mailed on the 11th. I don't usually wait that long, but things didn't want to come together this year.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring in Brown County

Spring has come later than usual to our area (or so it seems). For me, that was good, because I was "snowed under" with computer work ... websites, taxes, copy editing. So now that most of that work is behind me, I am enjoying getting outside and uncovering the flower beds. The daffodils and narcissus (narcissi?) are up and beautiful ... we have about 20 different varieties. The other good thing is the deer don't eat them, like they do about everything else. The day lilies, tulips, hostas and hyacinths are eaten as soon as they pop up. We've tried various methods to deter the deer but nothing is foolproof. This year, I'm going to try adding some habenero hot sauce to their daylily salad and see how they like it. Today we're planting some trees that we got from the Arbor Day Foundation. I also want to start some seeds in our little greenhouse ... peppers, zinnias, maybe tomatoes. I'm ready for spring now!